We at Orisys Infotech offers Global Distribution Systems ( GDS) integration and API integration services. We provide end-to-end online Car rental and Transfer portal to travel agents by integrating with popular GDS providers. We understand travel agent's needs and issues and work with GDS provider's technical team to provide end-to-end solutions. .
Car rental and Transfers systems allow visitors to search for availability of Cars and rent using booking engines. Our GDS and API integration team offers the following types of reservations through GDS and API integration services:
♦ Flight
♦ Flight+Hotel
♦ Flight+Hotel+Tours packages
♦ Flight+Hotel+Transfers
Some of the most popular and advanced GDS are:
♦ Amadeus
♦ Sabre
♦ Galileo
♦ Hertz
We also provide content management system ( CMS) for flight booking portals.