
Provided Complete SEO Solutions To a Mauritius Car Rental Agency

SNZ Car Rental in Mauritius - www.snzcarrental.com

SNZ Car Rental Ltd. is the popular Mauritius car rental company, which provides the car rental, airport transfer and chauffeur booking services to the local and international travelers. Having its head office in Port Louis, it offers cheap, reliable and hassle-free rental services with good customer supports by a professional team.

Customer’s Requirements
Improvement of Page ranking in Major Search Engines
1st and 2nd page ranking in the mostly used keywords
Increase Online Visibility by various postings
Increase Brand Value in Targeted countries like UK, USA, Australia, Germany, Spain etc
Reputation Management through various optimization processes
Social Media Promotion (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
Page Content Optimization to make the pages SEO friendly
Reach The Website to The International Tourist and Also Local Tourist
Improve Online Booking Requests through website

Before optimization, SNZ car rental Ltd. wanted a complete new design of the website with the online booking option and with a dynamic admin control panel where he could manage his complete website. As per his request we developed his website with some extra care to do it SEO friendly because he wanted us to do SEO after completing the new website. Successfully we developed the website with a nice design which was approved by customer and published successfully on the domain name www.snzcarrental.com.

After the new website being live, it was very challenging to do SEO and bring the website in Search Engine’s listing. As it was previously developed in Wordpress, so it was already SEO friendly. But after developed by us using PHP and MySQL, the page URL and many SEO related factors changed on the website for which the website was lost it’s existing positions from Google search pages. Client was too much worried by seeing the decrease in positions. However we were confident to recover the positions again. We started to apply our latest SEO techniques where we mostly put our attention to make the website speed faster and do some changes in code as per the Google Developer tool’s suggestions. Gradually it started to get it’s positions again and started to increase it’s ranking.

Solutions : What we performed to face the challenges 
Our most experienced SEO team applied the advanced techniques and did the necessary changes as per the SEO guide lines. We basically used the following tasks to successfully get the positions in Search Engines.

1. We prepared the meaningful content for all pages with representations of search words.
2. We put the Title, description, H1 and H2 tags and implemented all the on-page work on the website.
3. We generated sitemap xml, created Google analytic and Google webmaster accounts and submit the optimized pages with sitemap.xml in Google Search Console.
4. The main task was to make the website faster which was considered as a main factor of ranking by Google. Following Google Page Speed suggestions, we did this and increase the page speed and page SEO performance.
5. According to the suggestion of Google Webmaster tool, we fixed some mobile responsive issues in some of the pages.
6. Then we optimized the images, put the schema tags in various pages like in index page, faq page, product page, article page etc.
7. We performed many offline techniques like we post blogs and articles, shared the PDF and info-graphics,  submit the site in various Bookmarking and classified sites.
8. We started to post various updates of SNZ Car Rental's new rental car models, offers, prices, news on the Social Media sites like in Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin etc.

So many other tasks were implemented to bring the website in position and finally we were success to keep the website in 1st and 2nd pages in some major searched keywords.


We are doing SEO of SNZ Car Rental in Mauritius since last 1 year and his website is still in 1st page of Google in many Keywords. As a result client is getting more booking requests from the local and international travelers to visit Mauritius and explore the attractions of the Island. Our client is very cooperative and very careful to his website which has helped us a lot to successfully develop and optimize the website.

We have so many future plans for the website and we are committed to bring the website in 1st position in 1st page of Google.