We will improve your page load speed using our speed optimization strategy which is most crucial for SEO.
Site speed is one of the vital factors used by its algorithm to rank high in search engine result pages.
When it comes to performance your site, page speed contains the utmost importance.
To minimize bounce rate, maximize visitor engagement and customer retention , it's essential that your user should experience faster page speed and seamlessly view content of your website.
As the page load time is shifting from one to ten seconds, the expected bounce rate of a mobile user increases by 123%.
Users always expect your website to load faster with seamless web page experience. The more time they have to wait for a page to load, the more frustrated they become.
Page speed is necessary for better user experience, improving customer retention and for high rate of conversion.
Pages with longer load times lead to higher bounce rate and lower conversion rate.
Here are few ways to increase your page speed with better UX.