We provide best services in the field of Taxi Booking Portal Development, Booking Engine Development For Taxi and Cab rental Companies.
We helps taxi company to maximize their car rental business with interactive Taxi booking Portal. Create your own taxi rental website to enhance your business and popularity. We develop fully functional online taxi booking portal for taxi rental companies based in India.
Taxi Booking Engine
Oneway Rental
Round Trip Booking
Local/Airport Transfer
Multicity Booking
Instatation Booking
Taxi Tour Booking
Taxi Portal Development
With Taxi rental booking engine you can search, view and book cars for instation, local transfer, one way and multicity
Enter any number of cities and location. Your customers can select cities and destinations to book taxi online.
With instation booking option, customers can book cars within the city with Hourly rates slab.
Your customers can book cars for local transfer easily. Customers can book cars from and to airport, railway station, hotels and other destinations within the city.
One way rental is meant for booking of cabs from one city to other city. This is the concept of point to point booking.
Travelers can book cars for multi cities with round trip option. Auto distance and price calculation option.
Define hourly rates, seasonal rates, city specific car wise rates. The rates will be calculated automatically.
you can define night delivery charges by defining night duration. The rate will be calculated automatically.
Option to add extra hour charges. Define extra hour charges from the control panel.
If your customer is exceeding the define kilometers then extra kilometer charges will be applied automatically.
You can define driver allowance, which will be added to customers fare detail.
The distance will be automatically calculated.
When your customer book cars, the price will be calculated automatically. No manual process requires to calculate the price.
Customers can search, view and pay instantly to confirm the booking with pay now option. Customers can pay full amount or pay advance amount.
Customers can also choose pay latter option. With pay latter option, customers can book the car immediately, but payment will be made on arrival.
You can assign driver to car.
you can use multiple payment gateways, so that customers can pay with their desired gateways.
Block vehicle for particular period due to maintenance or high demand of vehicles during high season.
as website owner you will have the option to accept or reject bookings.
You can add any number of cars and display nicely to attract more bookings.
Create any number of car categories .
Create any number of popular routs like Delhi to Chandigarh, Buhubaneswar to puri etc.